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Who Invented Telescope?To know secret behind this invention have a look over it.

A secret behind telescope invention

First telescope invention:

Before to Galileo, a practical telescope invented by Lippershey. Lippershey owned a spectacle shop, one day two of his children playing in his shop, realized that if they looked through a concave lens close to their eye and another concave lens at arm’s length, the local church tower was greatly magnified. Their father, Hans Lippershey mounted two lens in a tube and tried to sell the device to Dutch Army. Another person named Zacharius Janssen claimed that device copied by Lippershey from me. Jansen and Lippershey lived in the same town and both worked on making optical instruments. Scholars generally argue, however, that there is no real evidence that Lippershey did not develop his telescope independently. Patents were given to Lippershey.


Later the Italian astronomer and physicist Galileo heard about the new device when he was in Venice in May 1609.Returning to his University in nearby Padua, he made a telescope that magnified by about twenty times and had a field of view of about one-tenth of a degree.
Using this Galileo discovered that the Sun has spots, Jupiter was accompanied by four satellites, Venus had phases and moon was mountainous. These results published in March 1610 in his work, Siderius Nuncius, it came out to world.


By 1611,the German astronomer Johannes Kepler was using a telescope consisting of two lens with inverted image late in 1668 the English genius Sir Isaac Newton invented reflecting telescope consisting of curved lens rather than large lens to focus objects.

Source of this article:
1001 INVENTIONS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD-Preface by Trevor Baylis and General Editor Jack Challoner..


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