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Chanakya's short biography(Chanakya Sabadam)

                                              CHANAKYA BIOGRAPHY


Chanakya born on 350 BC and traditionally known as Kautilya, Vishnugupta and regarding his birthplace it was unknown. According to the Buddhist text Mahavamsa Tika, his birthplace was Taxila, from the Jain scriptures, such as Adbidhana Chintamani, mentioned him as a Dramila, implying that he was a native of India, according to the Jain writer Hemachandra's Pariśiṣṭaparva, Chanakya was born in the Canaka village of the Golla region, to a Brahmin named Canin and his wife Canesvari and from other sources mentioned his father's name as Chanak and state that Chanakya's name derived from his father's name,he was a brahmin from North India, scholar in Vedas and a devotee of Vishnu.


Chanakya was educated at Takshashila, an ancient centre of learning located in north-western ancient India (present-day Pakistan). He later became a teacher (acharya) at the same place. Chanakya's life was connected to two cities: Takshashila and Pataliputra (present-day Patna in Bihar, India). Pataliputra was the capital of the Magadha kingdom, which was connected to Takshashila by Uttarapatha, the northern high road of commerce.

Establishment of Moruya Empire with the hands of Chanakya:

Chandragupta was the son of the chief of the Moruya clan of Pippalivana.Chankaya and Chandragupta credited with defeat of the powerful Nanda Empire and established the new Maurya Empire from 4th to 8th century and he continued to serve as an advisor to Chandragupta after the establishment of the Maurya Empire.

Secret within Chandraguptha and Chnakya:

In the Jain texts, Chanakya used to add small doses of poison to the food eaten by Emperor Chandragupta Maurya (mithridatism) in order to make him immune to the poisoning attempts by the enemies. Unaware, Chandragupta once fed some of his food to his queen, Durdhara, who was seven days away from delivery. The queen, not immune to the poison, collapsed and died within a few minutes. In order to save the heir to the throne, Chanakya cut the queen's belly open and extracted the foetus just as she died. The baby was named Bindusara, because he was touched by a drop (bindu) of blood having poison.

After Chandragupta passed away from empire after making his son Bindusara as the King of empire,Chanakya meanwhile stayed in the court as an advisor to Bindusara.

Death:(Chanakya Sabadam)

According to Jain writer Hemachandra, Chanakya died as a result of a conspiracy by Subandhu, one of Bindusara's ministers. Subandhu, who did not like Chanakya, told Bindusara that Chanakya was responsible for the murder of his mother. Bindusara asked the nurses, who confirmed the story of his birth. Bindusara was horrified and enraged. When Chanakya, who was an old man by this time, learned that the King was angry with him, he decided to end his life. In accordance with the Jain tradition, he decided to starve himself to death(Chanakya Sabadam saying that he was not directly responsible for the death of Durdhara,until it proved he sit on sticks). By this time, the King had found out the full story: Chanakya was not directly responsible for his mother's death, which was an accident. He asked Subandhu to convince Chanakya to give up his plan to kill himself. However, Subandhu, pretending to conduct a ceremony for Chanakya, burned Chanakya alive.


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